Saturday, February 24, 2007

Money Saving Tips For Buying Ink Cartridges

Printer ink is one of the most expensive things you'll have to buy for your computer on an ongoing basis, but fortunately there are ways to save both time and money.

The best choice for buying ink cartridges is to do so on the internet. This obviously save time compared to having to drive to your local computer or office supply store, but it's also often less expensive. You place your order online and they'll be delivered directly to your home or office.

Online ink suppliers offer considerable discounts on their cartridges. And if you buy in bulk you can often save even more money. They often have better selections than the average "brick & mortar" store as well.

Another way to save money on your printer ink is to buy refill kits or recycled cartridges. Most ink cartridges can be refilled at least once, and the cost is often less than half that of a new one.

You do need to be careful with refilled ink cartridges, however. They have been known to not work as well as the originals and in rare cases can even damage your printer. Make sure the company you buy them from offers a good guarantee.

If you're going to buy ink in bulk quantities, make sure you know how quickly you can use it. Ink cartridges do have a shelf life and there's no sense buying two years worth of ink if they expire in one. Check with the ink supplier to find out when the cartridge expire.

To find out how much ink you use, you'll probably need to monitor how often you replace your ink for a few weeks, or months if you don't use it very quickly. Don't buy bulk quantities until you know for sure you can use it all.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

There are a some ways to save, But you can now just buy a kodak with whos printer ink is only $9.99 for black and $14.99 for color ink.
Check out